The Adventures of Gokou The Fourth: Chapter 1 Author: FindleyDazy                                     It has been thousands of years after the disappearence of Gokou and hundreds after the death of Gokou Jr. One of Gokou's descendents, Gokou the third now has a son, Gokou the 4th. He trains in a small dojo called the Kame-ho temple. It is owned by one of Master Roshi's descendants, the 76 year old Ling. She is even stronger than Master Roshi himself!! She knows the Kamehameha attack and has her own attack, the Genkai Wave which can be done in many different ways. Gokou(I will  call Gokou the 4th this because it is easier to type) is about the only child that trains there that knows about ki and can tap into his inner ki. So one day he was walking down the street. Coming twoard him he felt a very small ki level.It was Bloom Briefs, one of Bulma's descendants. "Hi Bloom!" Gokou said. "How have you been doing" he then said. "I've been fine" she said. "How about you" was her queary. "Never better!!!" Gokou said. Then he turned around. He scenced a giant ki, but it felt evil. "Hello Son Gokou" a dark voice said. What will happen? Find out in the next chapter!!!